Think of tooth decay as public enemy #1 when it comes to your oral health. Left untreated, it opens the door to a host of more serious complications. The best way to keep your teeth and gums in the best shape is through early detection and intervention by a dental professional.
At the office of Norwalk Dental Care, our skilled and compassionate professionals offer a preemptive approach to stopping tooth decay. We utilize state-of-the-art technology and methods to keep your teeth cavity-free from the start, and to diagnose tooth decay from its outset, when it is easiest to treat.
Cavities are small holes in your teeth, which are produced by the bacteria found in plaque. Plaque is a sticky film, which harbors harmful bacteria that feed on sugar. The bacteria in plaque produce acids, which eat away at your tooth’s hard outer surface. Preventing cavities involves removing plaque before it can build up and do damage to your teeth.
Daily brushing and flossing are important steps to keeping your mouth clean and free of plaque, but a professional teeth cleaning is vital at least twice a year for a complete and effective oral hygiene routine. At this time, we will conduct a thorough examination of the teeth, gums and their supporting bone structure. If we detect any conditions that may be harmful, our skilled team will provide gentle and effective care.
A trusted partner in care
At Norwalk Dental Care, we are committed to helping you and every member of your family enjoy a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles. Our team of professionals provides the highest quality care to detect, prevent and treat tooth decay. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today.
By Norwalk Dental Care
July 1, 2020
En Norwalk Dental Care ofrecemos una gama completa de servicios de cuidado dental para usted y su familia. Puede estar seguro de que trabajaremos con usted para encontrar las mejores soluciones a sus problemas. Nos aseguraremos de que usted y su familia tengan un viaje dental saludable con nosotros.
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Mejorar la apariencia de su boca, dientes o sonrisa mientras lo hace parecer natural requiere un experto y nos enorgullece proporcionar el mejor "cambio de imagen de la sonrisa" en el área. Trabajamos con usted para encontrar un plan de tratamiento más adecuado para usted. Nuestro objetivo es realzar la belleza natural en su sonrisa.
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Brindamos el mejor cuidado y apoyo en la restauración, mantenimiento y mejora de su higiene bucal y salud dental. Vamos Más Allá para usar tecnologías de confianza y un ambiente cálido para ayudarle a sentirse bien acerca de su salud dental para siempre.
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